Ready to Live a Bigger Life?
Oct 31, 2024
This last month I’ve been struggling with staying in a place of wanting all that I think I want! I have a clear view of what I am wanting to align with moving forward, but as the energy increases and I feel the excitement for everything coming to me, I feel a sense of panic that it is going to include BIG change! Do I want things to stay the same? No definitely not, but the fear of thinking big, receiving big and the personal commitment that will be required to be in that place is daunting. Because remember, with everything that we want, will come additional change that is needed to support the new reality. We will become the person we need to be, but exactly who will that be, because it isn’t who we are now!
Can you imagine having, creating and receiving everything that you have ever wanted and more? Do you believe that it will all come to you? Do you believe that you deserve to receive it?
I have been able to say yes to those questions for a while but I have still felt like I’m holding myself back, something is still stopping me from going all in. So I have limiting beliefs that are not about my worthiness, but something else. If we haven’t aligned with the life we want then there is always something we have taken onboard in our belief structures that is causing a block.
My life coach asked me a different question - she asked was I READY? If everything I see coming towards me was to arrive now, am I ready for all that comes with it? On some levels the answer is yes, but as I have sat with this thought for a couple of weeks I’m less sure that it’s completely true. Am I really ready for whatever could come, whatever could change, if I really do shift into that new timeline? Maybe, but maybe not. It’s a lot to think about!
Are you ready for the changes you want? Are you ready and willing to embrace whatever additional impacts that the changes will have on your life? And there is no way of knowing what the changes are, you just need to be willing to let go and flow with whatever comes. So maybe being ready is less about limiting beliefs and more about being able to let go and flow. Can you release the need to control?
We all know we can’t control what happens to us, we can’t guarantee outcomes, we can’t control how other people perceive or react to us. We can only control how we act and react in any given moment. So really we have no choice but to let go, which means the question is whether to stress and worry about the details or whether to just stay in each moment and focus on what will bring us peace.
My defence mechanism when it feels like life is changing too fast for me to allow the flow is to procrastinate! I will get intuitive insight and guidance about what to do next but I distract myself and make myself busy doing something else to avoid what feels like the right thing but also feels like it’s going to bring a big change… what can I say, I’m a slow and steady person! I know what I want is coming, I am not rejecting it, I am just slowing it down. Yes, I might be disappointed by this delay that I am creating, but I know I can only flow at my speed - whitewater rapids are not for me and I’m OK with that!!
So, I believe that we can flow and also put the brakes on. We can maintain a ‘feeling’ of control in the moment as long as we let go of controlling the outcome, because it could be affected, delayed, altered. That doesn’t mean that we don’t receive what we hoped for, but it might come with slightly different parameters - but we’ll never know because we won’t know what would have been if we had barrelled down head first!
Wherever you are right now, I encourage you to dive in head first or gently let go and move into the role of receiving the life that you want, at whatever speed works for you.